Earth to Apple: You Have a Problem in China

For several decades now, Apple and many other major manufacturers have assumed that a basic model of manufacturing in China would endure forever: the Chinese would allow virtually unlimited import of Japanese parts for assembly into products destined for both the Chinese market and the world. The Apple iPhone, according to one study, consists of […]…

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The New York Times And Its Weird Take on Japan

Here they go again! The New York Times, for years, has persisted in putting trivialized pieces like this one on their front page. I recall one about farmers in a remote area who couldn’t find wives and I recall another about the high-pitched sing-songy voices of elevator women in Japan, who greet riders when they […]…

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Japan, October 2013

I love flying the polar route to East Asia. On this flight to Japan, it was mostly cloudy but it cleared up over what I believe was Siberia and/or the Kamchatka Peninsula. There were endless white mountains and no signs of roads, villages or any form of human habitation. Completely desolate. It cleared up again […]…

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Will The Toyota Empire Strike Back?

This is the fourth and final post from a Toyota press trip. As we entered Toyota’s headquarters in Toyota City, I realized I hadn’t written or edited a major story about Toyota since 1985 when we put “Toyota’s Fast Lane” on the cover of Business Week. Most of my automotive writing since that era was […]…

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Travel notes: The Japanese Countryside–Nagano and Kamakura

JULY 2010– Flying in to Haneda Airport is an entirely different experience than landing at remote Narita airport, which is located in a largely agricultural area two hours north of central Tokyo. The plane circles over Tokyo Bay, offering the traveler a panoramic view of the Tokyo skyline. It is a vast city, one of […]…

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