We used to call them “greenmailers.” Guys like Carl Icahn. They would take positions in companies and then agitate for changes in management that would quickly make them more money. Then they would sell out. They were parasites. These days, the greenmailers have embraced the terminology of the shareholder activist movement. They talk about “unlocking […]…
Topic: GM

Seven Years Since I Said GM Would Survive on Fox News
It’s hard to believe it’s been seven years ago this week that I was part of an incredibly intense debate about whether General Motors, Chrysler, and the American auto industry could survive on Fox & Friends with host Gretchen Carlson and Dan Calabrese, shortly after writing Why GM Matters. I was tense because I expected an […]…
The Battle for The Future of the Automotive Industry
I can remember Ford Motor CEO Jacques Nasser standing up in front of the Detroit auto show in January 2000 with Jerry Yang, the founder of Yahoo. I was covering the show for U.S. News & World Report. It was the moment when it dawned on the auto industry that two universes were beginning to […]…
BBC and NPR do a takeout on GM in China
And who ya gonna call? That’s right. Here it is: http://www.pri.org/stories/2015-08-26/chinese-drivers-love-buicks-and-thats-why-gm-concerned-about-their-economy Here is an exercept from the link above: William Holstein knows all about that. He wrote the book, “Why GM Matters: Inside the Race to Transform an American Icon,” and spent time in Shanghai researching the company’s operations there. He says it’s way too […]…
Automotive News Quotes Me Again on GM
Poised Barra carries GM’s image on her shoulders As seen in Automotive News | April 1, 2014 by Lindsay Chappell More than one expert observer of Tuesday’s congressional examination noted that GM CEO Mary Barra received a more congenial interrogation than either of the Toyota executives who were called to Capitol Hill in 2010 over safety issues. As she […]…