Travel Blog

Things I have observed in my world travels.

South Korea – In The Eye of the Storm

DEC. 3 Rita and I have been in Seoul since the weekend while newspaper headlines proclaim the imminent onset of full hostilities between the Americans and South Koreans on one hand against the North Koreans on the other. Many friends continue to ask, “Are you safe?” What the outside world does not understand are the […]

Read full article ">Tokyo, July 2010

The Imperial Hotel is an absolute knock-out. Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright, it is obviously beautiful. But everything about the place is first-class. The Japanese toilet with heated seat had all the buttons that make water spray into the right places and then it had an arm that offered warm air to drive those delicate […]

Read full article ">Travel notes: The Japanese Countryside–Nagano and Kamakura

JULY 2010– Flying in to Haneda Airport is an entirely different experience than landing at remote Narita airport, which is located in a largely agricultural area two hours north of central Tokyo. The plane circles over Tokyo Bay, offering the traveler a panoramic view of the Tokyo skyline. It is a vast city, one of […]

Read full article ">Germany, 2008

APRIL 2008 — I’m on the Inner-City Express (ICE) headed for Paris. I got on one train headed south from Frankfurt and then changed trains in Mannheim. This train is making a direct shot for Paris, stopping in a few places like Kaiserslautern and Saarbrucken (both of which sound like kinds of cole slaw.) Judging […]


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