
I believe the most important thing Americans must do is to secure their economic well-being in an increasingly challenging, complex world. What I have written about all these years is the process of creating wealth, not for any one individual, but for the United States as a whole. Ever since I was a young correspondent witnessing the emergence of China after the country opened in 1979, I’ve believed we have to get more serious about creating wealth. I retain faith in the resiliency of the U.S. economy and the enterprise of American people. If Americans have the right strategies, we can once again create widespread wealth. Come with me on this journey.

The Deep Struggle in China
Most of the commentary these days on China does not seem to grasp the depth of what is happening there politically. Having spent time on the ground there and speaking to dozens of Chinese about what happened during the Cultural Revolution, I have some sense that truly major things can happen in China and they […]
Will Japan Inc. Protect Its Own?
I know it is currently fashionable to argue that the Japanese are finished in the global economy. They’ve been blown away by the much more dynamic Chinese economy. Sorry. It hasn’t been true and it still isn’t true. The Japanese have dominant positions in many key technologies, such as the screens that go into Apple’s […]
The Battle for The Future of the Automotive Industry
I can remember Ford Motor CEO Jacques Nasser standing up in front of the Detroit auto show in January 2000 with Jerry Yang, the founder of Yahoo. I was covering the show for U.S. News & World Report. It was the moment when it dawned on the auto industry that two universes were beginning to […]
A Seriously Bad Idea in China
I’m just learning about a Chinese government plan to rate every citizen on the basis of their behavior and attitudes. By 2020, the government plans to collect data from multiple points to create a social behavior rating. It is something like what credit agencies do in the United States or how the NSA looks for bad […]
Man Bites Dog: I Actually Agree With A Wall Street Journal Editorial
There is a very important showdown occurring between Saudi Arabian and American oil producers. The Saudis are pumping more oil than they really need to because they are trying to flood markets and drive down prices, thereby driving American producers out of business. Many of them are the so-called frackers. Then when enough American producers […]
The Human Microbiome
Repost, as published by the author in Compass Magazine Why the bacteria inside us may be the next medical revolution The average human carries 20,000 different species of bacteria in his or her digestive system, weighing an estimated 2 to 3 pounds (0.9 – 1.4 kg). Researchers are beginning to understand how these bacteria, collectively […]
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