I believe the most important thing Americans must do is to secure their economic well-being in an increasingly challenging, complex world. What I have written about all these years is the process of creating wealth, not for any one individual, but for the United States as a whole. Ever since I was a young correspondent witnessing the emergence of China after the country opened in 1979, I’ve believed we have to get more serious about creating wealth. I retain faith in the resiliency of the U.S. economy and the enterprise of American people. If Americans have the right strategies, we can once again create widespread wealth. Come with me on this journey.
The Sale of a British Semiconductor Factory, Wafer Fab, to a Chinese company should be blocked
July 25, 2021
From the Telegraph via Yahoo, this article describes how Boris Johnson’s government may allow the sale of Britain’s largest semiconductor manufacturing facility, Wafer Fab, to a Chinese company operating through a Dutch subsidiary. This is absolute madness and reflects the failure of the Western capitalistic system to respond to China’s strategic challenge. If an entity is […]
The world has not yet witnessed China’s full cyber power
July 23, 2021
The world has not yet witnessed China’s full cyber power Analysts who are paying attention realize that China has reached near-parity or absolute advantage in some areas of communications and computing with the United States. They were first, for example, to develop 5G wireless telecommunications technology and the United States still does not have it. […]
This Wall Street Journal video shows how TikTok targets users–it’s all based on a secret algorithm controlled from China
July 22, 2021
Biden Should Tell Business Execs We Face a “Digital Pearl Harbor”
July 21, 2021
I welcome news that President Biden will be meeting with business leaders next month to talk about the incredible wave of cyber attacks and ransomware attacks. What should he tell them? First off, based on what I found in research for my book, A Grand Strategy: Countering Technology, and Restoring the Media, the president should […]
My OPC Book Night with CNN’s John Avlon
July 20, 2021
William J. Holstein Examines The Rise Of China And A Teetering News Industry by Chad Bouchard In his new book, OPC Past President William J. Holstein weaves his own personal experience as China correspondent in the late 1970s and early 1980s, with four decades of insight as a close observer of the country’s trajectory, commenting […]
Thrilled to be speaking with Phil Bove on China’s cyberhacking at 1 p.m. Tuesday
July 19, 2021
With all the news breaking on China’s Ministry of State Security being involved in hack attacks around the world, I’m delighted to be speaking tomorrow with Philip Bové, former head of the National Security Agency’s operations in Asia, which obviously included China. Here are details about him. The CyberHeroes show, organized by the irrepressible Gary […]