I believe the most important thing Americans must do is to secure their economic well-being in an increasingly challenging, complex world. What I have written about all these years is the process of creating wealth, not for any one individual, but for the United States as a whole. Ever since I was a young correspondent witnessing the emergence of China after the country opened in 1979, I’ve believed we have to get more serious about creating wealth. I retain faith in the resiliency of the U.S. economy and the enterprise of American people. If Americans have the right strategies, we can once again create widespread wealth. Come with me on this journey.
Mike McLaughin and I explain our book on Resilient Cyber
August 4, 2023
We spent a delightful hour with Chris Hughes, which you can view here.
Demanding answers for Microsoft’s cyber vulnerabilities
July 27, 2023
WSJ NEWS EXCLUSIVE Microsoft Faces Mounting Scrutiny Over China-Linked Email Hack Leading lawmaker accuses tech company of security negligence that enabled spying campaign By Dustin Volz Follow and Robert McMillan Follow July 27, 2023 9:00 am ET Gift unlocked article Microsoft says hackers got to the emails by first gaining access to an obscure but […]
The Chinese Hacked the U.S. Ambassador and Hundreds of Thousands of USG emails–Wall Street Journal
July 20, 2023
The hacking has become just unbelievable, as reported here. Is the U.S. government defenseless against this relentless cyber campaign?
An excellent video podcast on Battlefield Cyber
June 28, 2023
Ignore the commecial at the beginning.
China Has Stolen Its Way to Military Parity
June 2, 2023
AsiaTimes has published this excerpt from Battlefield Cyber. In effect, the Chinese have stolen enough U.S. military technology from the Pentagon’s Defense Industrial Base that they are now a peer competitor at sea and in the air. The most recent incident involving their penetration of the Pentagon’s Pacific communications is just a piece of a […]
Oh, no. Here we go again on Industrial Policy
May 31, 2023
One of the hardest things for Americans to get right when it comes to developing new technologies is long-term consistency of purpose. We allow the funding to be put on hold or we turn it into a partisan wrangle. That’s what happened with Solyndra, a solar power start-up in California and A123 Systems, an innovative […]