This is from the press release describing the firm’s second annual Global Technology report, issued Monday. It’s one of the clearest signs that U.S.-Chinese rivalry is spilling into investment decisions made by major tech companies. “Although the global technology industry will continue to be co-dependent for the foreseeable future, several major countries are now investing […]…
Category: blog
Silicon Dragon-2-Has a tech war started between the U.S. and China?
CLIP 2_Silicon Dragon Online Present US-China Tech Strategies_ The Big Debate…
Silicon Dragon Appearance: We Face a Moment of Reckoning with China
This Politico article reveals just how far out of touch major American businesses are regarding China
Corporate America fights uphill battle against anti-China push. Companies are teaming up with untraditional allies out of fear that the fall legislative session will lead to restrictive laws. By GAVIN BADE 09/01/2021 04:30 AM EDT U.S. corporate giants are scrambling to beat back anti-China sentiment in Congress and the Biden administration, aiming to avert crackdowns that […]…
A Fascinating Discussion on #China-U.S. Technology Tensions
SEP 08 Silicon Dragon Online Presents US-China Tech Strategies: The Big Debate by Silicon Dragon Ventures Follow 151 followers $0 – $125 US-China Tech Strategies: Join The Big Debate with 4 China Book Pros About this event Silicon Dragon Online Presents US-China Tech Titans: Turf War, Peace or…? Wednesday, Sept. 8, 2021 11 a.m. U.S. […]…