Pentagon Official Resigns Because DoD Is Failing to Compete with China in AI

This speaks volumes. And AI isn’t the only arena where the Pentagon has failed to respond fast enough. Its IT systems are wide open and the Chinese and Russians must be having a field day. This article, for the first time that I’ve seen, states that the defense department was penetrated as a result of the Solar Winds software supply chain hack. The debacle over creating a new Joint Enterprise Defense Infrastructure (JEDI) means that the Pentagon’s systems are old and creaky, as its own inspector general found.

That system was supposed to be cloud-based, which theoretically would have made it more defensible. But President Trump injected politics into the process because he hated Jeff Bezos and Amazon. Amazon Web Services, a subsidiary of Amazon, was competing for the multi-billion dollar deal. So Microsoft won the deal, but then everything changed and the Pentagon terminated the contract. As I described in The New Art of War: China’s Deep Strategy Inside the United States and again in A Grand Strategy, The Chinese party-state is waging an asymmetric war against the Pentagon, particularly the Navy, which is on the front lines. I recall the old adage: generals and admirals are ready to fight the last war, but not the next one.

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