Author of "The New Art of War: China's Deep Strategy Inside the United States"

Author Archives: William Holstein

Major Disconnect on China in The Wall Street Journal

I had a bit of a neck wrench the other morning when reading my Wall Street Journal. On the op ed page, the Chinese ambassador to the United States, Cui Tiankai, wrote a piece arguing that China is undergoing “structural reform.” He wrote: “To sustain growth, China is implementing structural reforms that place greater emphasis on […]…

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Seven Years Since I Said GM Would Survive on Fox News

It’s hard to believe it’s been seven years ago this week that I was part of an incredibly intense debate about whether General Motors, Chrysler, and the American auto industry could survive on Fox & Friends with host Gretchen Carlson and Dan Calabrese, shortly after writing Why GM Matters. I was tense because I expected an […]…

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More Economic Idiocy In The Wall Street Journal

I have a great deal of respect for the Wall Street Journal but a recent article by Greg Ip is an example of, once again, the blind leading the blind on what’s really wrong with the U.S. economy. The headline reads: Economic Theory Gets Its Day Right away, something is wrong. Why would anyone care […]…

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The Evidence Mounts: China’s Xi Jinping is turning himself into another strongman

The fact that President Xi Jinping is establishing rigorous centralized control over so many different aspects of Chinese life and politics, as per this latest article in the New York Times, is very significant. This is a return to the sort of China that most Americans have never witnessed and can scarcely understand. I caught the tail-end […]…

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