Major Disconnect on China in The Wall Street Journal

I had a bit of a neck wrench the other morning when reading my Wall Street Journal. On the op ed page, the Chinese ambassador to the United States, Cui Tiankai, wrote a piece arguing that China is undergoing “structural reform.” He wrote: “To sustain growth, China is implementing structural reforms that place greater emphasis on […]…

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More Economic Idiocy In The Wall Street Journal

I have a great deal of respect for the Wall Street Journal but a recent article by Greg Ip is an example of, once again, the blind leading the blind on what’s really wrong with the U.S. economy. The headline reads: Economic Theory Gets Its Day Right away, something is wrong. Why would anyone care […]…

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Man Bites Dog: I Actually Agree With A Wall Street Journal Editorial

There is a very important showdown occurring between Saudi Arabian and American oil producers. The Saudis are pumping more oil than they really need to because they are trying to flood markets and drive down prices, thereby driving American producers out of business. Many of them are the so-called frackers. Then when enough American producers […]…

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