Has the American Media Misjudged China?

Thirty five years after China’s opening to the world, some of the key assumptions that have guided coverage are being tested by the presidency of Xi Jinping. Bill chaired an organizing committee that managed a reunion of 70 current and former China Hands on behalf of the Overseas Press Club, the Asia Society’s ChinaFile and […]…

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The Next American Economy: Blueprint For a Real Recovery

At a time when debate is raging about how to create jobs and revive the American economy, veteran business writer William J. Holstein argues that the best way for us to recover our economic footing is to do what Americans do best-innovate and create new industries. Contrary to the perception that the American economy has […]…

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Why GM Matters: Inside the Race to Transform an American Icon

“Bill Holstein is an extremely knowledgeable and perceptive journalist. At a time when GM and the domestic auto industry are in acute crisis, this book makes sense of what has happened–and what should happen next. It’s a must-read for anyone who cares about the future of the American auto industry” — Alex Taylor, Senior Editor, […]…

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Memo to the CEO: Manage the Media (Don’t Let the Media Manage You)

“Holstein has a compelling message.” Dr. Leslie Gaines-Ross Chief Reputation Strategist Weber Shandwick In this book, Bill argues that two major trends have completely transformed the way that chief executive officers have to think of communicating—the rise of shareholder activist coalitions, and the power of Internet-based communications. He contends that CEOs have to rethink the […]…

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The Japanese Power Game: What It Means to America

In 1989, Bill spent several months in Japan conducting research for this book, which appeared at a time of great ferment in relations between the United States and Japan. The event that triggered interest among book editors was the Recruit scandal, which toppled several powerful figures in Japanese politics and in its corporate world. But […]…

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