American CEOs Must Rethink “Globalization”

I have been involved in this grand debate since driving to Midland, Michigan in the mid-1970s to interview Dow Chemical CEO Carl Gerstacker, who argued that he wanted to buy an island not governed by any nation-state to domicile his company. He believed Dow should become independent of any government. Here’s where we are today:…

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The beginning of a cyber defense strategy may be happening

After a long silence, Chris Inglis, the nation’s first cyber czar, is emerging with a strategy to cajole, prod and otherwise force the American private sector to start doing what is necessary to defend America’s computers. The heart of the problem has been that defending those systems would require hiring more trained people and fixing […]…

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How Can Koch Industries Justify Staying in Russia?

The Koch Brothers, who have funded many right-wing political groups, has taken their ideology a step too far by deciding to remain in Russia. See story here. There comes a time when companies must rally around a president and a government making a principled stand with its allies…

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China Is Hacking U.S. State Governments

Wired magazine is reporting here that China’s Advanced Persistent Threat group 41 (APT41) has hacked American state governments. No one has a clue what information they are stealing, but it could be that they are adding to their collection of data about individuals. If they could get access to different Department of Motor Vehicles, for example, […]…

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