Andrew Browne of the Wall Street Journal is one of the smartest commentators on China and U.S.-Chinese relations and he has hit the nail on the head today with this piece, below. It notes that Americans tend to think that someone is either a friend or foe, and cannot understand why the Chinese are not […]…
About: William Holstein
Author Archives: William Holstein
A Spectacularly Stupid Book
Every once in a while, a respected professor comes out with such a stupid, shockingly out-of-touch book, that I simply must respond. Daviel A. Bell’s new book called The China Model, reviewed below, argues that China’s political governance model may be better than America’s. Okay, I know that the quality of our public leaders has […]…
Economists: Waiting For Godot?
In Samuel Beckett’s famous 1953 play, Waiting for Godot, two desperate characters, Vladimir and Estragon, wait by a leafless tree for a character whom they are convinced will arrive and presumably help them. But, of course, Godot never arrives and the two are left trapped in an absurdist comedy. In many ways, it seems macroeconomists […]…
Economic Development Profession: The Key to International Competitiveness
I’m a big believer in creating strategies at the state and local level that create new industries and new wealth. States and regions find it far easier to overcome the ideological warfare that cripples the federal government’s efforts in this regard. So I’m pleased to have collaborated with Rick Weddle, one of the economic development […]…
Driving Technology: The Future Is Now
Repost of author’s article as seen in Chief Executive Magazine | May 25, 2015 Posted by: William J. Holstein and John O’Dell Whether you’re into safety, sustainability, sporty performance or all three, you’re likely to find one of the many new automotive technologies compelling. Read on for a look at three cutting-edge technologies and a preview […]…