Author of "The New Art of War: China's Deep Strategy Inside the United States"

Author Archives: William Holstein

The Deep Struggle in China

Most of the commentary these days on China does not seem to grasp the depth of what is happening there politically. Having spent time on the ground there and speaking to dozens of Chinese about what happened during the Cultural Revolution, I have some sense that truly major things can happen in China and they […]…

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Will Japan Inc. Protect Its Own?

I know it is currently fashionable to argue that the Japanese are finished in the global economy. They’ve been blown away by the much more dynamic Chinese economy. Sorry. It hasn’t been true and it still isn’t true. The Japanese have dominant positions in many key technologies, such as the screens that go into Apple’s […]…

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A Seriously Bad Idea in China

I’m just learning about a Chinese government plan to rate every citizen on the basis of their behaviorĀ and attitudes. By 2020, the government plans to collect data from multiple points to create a social behavior rating. It is something like what credit agencies do in the United States or how the NSA looks for bad […]…

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