Author of "The New Art of War: China's Deep Strategy Inside the United States"

Author Archives: William Holstein

The New York Times Almost Blows It a Third Time On the Economy

There goes the New York Times and Eduardo Porter again–trying to sell us on the notion that there is no future in American manufacturing. This is the paragraph that just downright offends me: “The nation is well on its way through a second transition, this time to a postindustrial economy with little factory work to […]…

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The New York Times Blows It on The U.S. Economy–Take Two

The fair-haired boy of the Times’ financial coverage, Andrew Ross Sorkin, scored a big interview with President Obama that was the cover of the Sunday Magazine yesterday. (Oh boy, he got onto Air Force One. He tells us that a lot.) But more substantively, the piece reviews many of the major decisions Obama made regarding […]…

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The New York Times Blows It On The Economy–Take One

I’ve been doing a slow burn about the New York Times coverage of the issues facing the American economy. They have run two spectacularly stupid pieces, very prominently, in the past week. Here is the first. With a headline, “The Mirage of a Return to Manufacturing Greatness,” reporter Eduardo Porter puts forth the proposition that […]…

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Wall Street Journal Does An Ideological Hatchet Job

Author Antoine van Agtmael and journalist Fred Bakker have a new book out entitled, “The Smartest Places on Earth: Why Rustbelts Are The Emerging Hotspots of Global Innovation.” This is a familiar theme to me because I was the editor of the 1992 Business Week cover story that discovered the phenomenon, entitled simply “Hot Spots.” […]…

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